
I am so excited to bring you this amazing event along with some incredibly passionate women! The coming of age period can be confusing and challenging, to say the least. Teaching young women about the importance of self worth and how to take care of their bodies is more important than ever. I wish a workshop like this existed when I was that age, it would have made those years a lot easier!!

In this fun workshop, girls will learn some of the most important lifelong tools from our team of coaches, yoga instructor and holistic nutritionist. By helping young girls embrace their own unique strengths, teaching them the basics of healthy eating, and allowing them to express themselves through yoga and creativity. An absolute must for every girl!


NUTRITION: Learn which foods will leave you positively glowing! Special nutrients for healthy skin, energy and mood with our holistic nutritionist.

YOGA: Yoga helps us find inner peace, calm and strength, by being ourselves and having fun!

CREATIVE LEARNING: Discover and embrace your unique strengths! Create a fun and inspiring memory book full of quotes, affirmations, and healthy recipes.

HEALTHY SNACKS: We’ll teach you how to make healthy food choices plus demonstrate & serve up some delicious goodies like Bliss Balls, Energy Smoothies and Herbal Lattes! (dairy-free, gluten-free style)

Date: Friday July 18 12:30 – 5pm

Location: The Space Crescent Beach Wellness Studio

(101-12219 Beecher Street, Surrey)

Price: $55 early bird (deadline July 10) Regular $69 (after July 10)

Recommended Ages: 11-14yrs

Register: @ 604-542-0009 , or in-person

Please pass this on to anyone you think would benefit!

In health,


A self empowering workshop for teen and adolescent girls with yoga, nutrition and creative learning.