
The holidays are such a fun, special and busy time of year. I love all the family gatherings, exploring different restaurants and allowing myself to indulge as much as the next girl. I don’t, however, love the tired and bloated feeling I get during this time.

Below are some ways I use to stay healthy and I encourage you to try out some of these simple recommendations to avoid throwing all your hard work out the window! This way you can enjoy yourself without the guilt, and the bloat:)

1.Use a smaller plate. LARGER PLATE = LARGER MEAL Using a bigger plate to serve a meal typically results in a 25% increase in the amount of food

2.Hide the temptation. Out of sight, out of mind. When unhealthy food is not in reach, you will eat 3 times FEWER servings per day! (Better yet, don’t bring it in the house!) Reserve those special temptations for when you are out with family or friends.

3.Eat snacks regularly between meals to avoid a drop in blood glucose levels. Eating big chunks of hard vegetables like celery, bell peppers and asparagus is especially helpful. These “hard chews” stimulate the pituitary gland and gets blood sugar hormones produced at a steady rate. Your snacks should be light in calories and include protein, carbs and fibre. Ex. Homemade trail mix or Hummus with Mary’s Crackers.

4.Water + 1 Tbsp chia seeds before your meal. Drink 1 cups of water with 1 Tbsp chia seeds ½ hr before meal – it helps to fill your belly, keep you satisfied, regulates your bowels and prevents overeating.

5.Practice self control.  Wait 15-20 min. before helping yourself to seconds – your hunger will decrease as the hormone leptin kicks in and tells your brain you are full! Putting down your fork in between bites will help to slow your eating down.

6.Never skip breakfast. Breakfast wakes up your metabolism and decreases your chances of overeating later in the day. We tend to need less calories in the evening so eat biggest meals during the day, small meals at night, avoid eating a few hours before bed.

7.Enjoy yourself. Take the time to chew your food ~ 30x before you swallow. Put the fork down in between bites. Indulge in quality rather than quantity, without guilt. Appreciate the smell, taste, and experience of eating delicious food.

8. Don’t forget your enzymes! I never leave home without my digestive enzymes ~ these babies help to breakdown some of your heavier meals and save you from uncomfortable digestive issues like bloating and gassiness. Take 1-2 with a meal and ask a nutritionist which enzyme formulation would work best for you!

Happy Holidays!!
