Fermented Foods

I’m kind of a broken record about this subject, but it’s just too important to not talk about! Crazy fact for you: humans are 90% microbial but only 10% human. More and more research is being done on all the ways that our gut ecology affects the way we feel, our immunity, nutrient absorption and weight gain. You are only as healthy as your gut, so we need to make sure the good guys are in charge!

There are a multitude of ways that good bacteria help us maintain a healthy weight, skin and immune function. Many of the probiotic strains that we eat in traditionally fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchee, and yogurt, help to keep our digestive system strong. Good bacteria help to digest food, protect the gut lining and promote gut motility (bowel movements). About 90% of a neurochemical serotonin, which regulates mood, eating and sleep patterns, is produced in the gastrointestinal tract. Gut bacteria also contribute to nutrient absorption, which in turn helps to build a healthy endocrine system (hormones), which plays an important role in maintaining a healthy weight and gorgeous skin.

Without healthy bacteria in the diet you can leave yourself vulnerable to depression, hormonal imbalance and out of control sugar cravings. When there is an imbalance of bad bacteria to good, you also have a good chance of developing a candida overgrowth. It is normal and healthy to have small amounts of candida in the intestinal lining. When overproduced, however, candida breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream, leading to leaky gut. Candida thrives in an environment that lacks healthy bacteria and feeds off sugar. Candida overgrowth is something to look into if you suffer from excessive sugar cravings, fatigue and brain fog. First step of defense is to increase your probiotic intake, which will reduce inflammation, start to heal the gut and helps to detoxify the body from the toxic by-products produced by candida as well as other toxic waste.

Here is a list of top food sources of friendly bacteria:

1. Fresh Sauerkraut  – Look for the live stuff in the refrigerated section, or make your own – Recipe here

DIY easy sauerkraut

2. Kimchi  – Spicy Asian style sauerkraut, great as a condiment or in a soup. YUM

Nourishing Superbowl with Kimchi

3. Unsweetened yogurt or kefir – Try coconut or goat milk yogurt for a change – Recipe here!

DIY coconut yoghurt

4. Miso – Made from rice and soy – look for organic/non-GMO – add to soups and salad dressings. Recipe here. Organic tempeh, which is a fermented version of tofu, is also a good option.

Miso Bok Choy Soup

5. Genuine Health Whole Body Nutrition  – A superfood and greens powder with 70% fermented ingredients. You can use it in your smoothie for a super boost of nutrition or just mix it into water. LOVE IT! This smoothie has 1 cup water, 3 fresh mint leaves, 1/4 tsp fresh ginger, 1/2 apple, 1/2 orange and 1 scoop of GH whole body nutrition with fermented superfoods. YUM (I borrowed the recipe idea from the last Pop-up at Whole Foods, it is ridiculously amazing!

Genuine Health Whole Body Nutrition Smoothie

6. Kombucha  – Fermented beverage you can drink instead of pop! Love this brand ~ Tonica (Ginger is my fave!) The cocktain below is simply made with ginger kombucha, frozen raspberries and a slice of lime. Perfect summer mocktail with benefits:)

Tonica Ginger Kombucha Cocktail with lime and raspberries

And there you have it folks! Get in the habit of adding healthy fermented foods into your diet daily!

Did I miss anything? What are your favourite ways to get some good bacteria in your gut??

If you’re still not getting enough of the good bacteria that help to boost your mood, skin health and weight loss efforts, check out my online dispensary for professional supplements (Look under Glow from Within ~ Skin Health Supplements!)