Beets are one of my all time favourite foods, not just for their amazing health qualities but for their versatility and sweet taste.  One of the coolest things about beets is that you can use them to do a bowel transit time check on yourself. Your transit time is the amount of time it takes for your food to go through your digestive track, from your mouth all the way to the well… toilet.

Why on earth would one need to know this sort of information? To figure out if you are eliminating properly! This is important because if you are not eliminating, you are reabsorbing toxic waste through your colon.

The optimal transit time is anywhere from 12 to 24 hours, anything above that equals poor bowel transit time. ( Here are the instructions if you want to check it out)

The tricky part is that even if you are having a bowel movement every day, you still could have a slow transit time. You could be eliminating something you ate 4 or 5 days ago and not even realize it! Anything less than one bowel movement a day means toxins and waste are recirculating back into the bloodstream. This, in turn makes it even harder for your liver to filter out toxins and you end up with a sluggish overburdened liver. An under functioning liver will eventually lead to hormonal havoc, fatigue, headaches, depression, allergies, weight gain and many other issues brought on by poor digestion.

Bowel transit times are dependent on a few different factors like what type of food you eat, hydration, the amount of fiber in the diet, and exercise. To test your bowel transit time simply consume about a cup of beets and make note of the number of hours it takes to appear in your stool. A transit time longer than 2 days can increase the risk of cancer, diverticulosis and candida (overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria), which weakens the immune system and puts us at higher risk for cancer of all types, not just colon cancer.

Aside for checking your bowel transit time, here is what else beets can offer you:

  • Phytonutrients in beets called betalains provide support for the liver’s Phase 2 detoxification process
  • Aid in the elimination of toxins
  • The combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules in beets helps to reduce many cancer types
  • Beets are an excellent food for a healthy heart with a good dose of folate, antioxidants manganese and vitamin C, as well as potassium

liver loving beet salad

Your liver works hard for you, with over 500 different jobs to do. Show this hard working organ some love so it can keep up the good work! Beets, dandelion, lemon, apple and garlic all contain vital nutrients to help your liver detoxify, which is one of its primary functions.

I kept the dressing super light too, as fats require more work to metabolize, so your liver can get a bit of a break. In return, you get clearer skin, more energy and a vibrant glow:)

Love Your Liver Beet and Dandelion Salad

  • 2 medium beets
  • ½ yellow bell pepper
  • 3 slices of red onion
  • ½ apple
  • ½ cup cucumber (about ¼ cucumber)
  • ½ bunch dandelion leaves
  • 2 handfuls almonds
  • Handful sunflower sprouts (or other sprouts)


  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp filtered water
  • ½ lemon
  • ½ apple
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 5 fresh basil leaves
  • ¼ tsp sea salt

How to make:

Bring about an inch of water to a boil in a pot with a steamer insert. Wash beets well under running water. If you’re using organic beets, you can leave the skin on if you wish. Cut beets into bite sized pieces. Steam for 6-8 minutes. Beets should be soft but not mushy.

To make the dressing, chop apple and add to a blender with the rest of the dressing ingredients. Buzz until smooth.

Meanwhile, wash dandelion, dry and slice into thin slices. If you can’t find dandelion, use another bitter green like kale. Slice onion and apple into thin slices. Cut cucumber into quarters lengthwise, then slice thinly.

Once beets are finished cooking, add all salad ingredients into a bowl. Roughly chop almonds. Toss with dressing and top with sprouts and almonds.

Makes 2 main dish salads.


realfood-1Could you benefit from a cleanse? Download my free Detox 101 Guide ~ what anyone thinking about doing a cleanse ought to know. DOWNLOAD YOUR GUIDE HERE.

In this guide, I explain who should and shouldn’t do a cleanse, how to choose the right detox plan for you, and how to avoid the top sources of toxins.

Enjoy, and happy cleansing!

Annaliisa Xx

beet health benefits detox