Raspberry Mint Water

We all know that we should be drinking more water, that’s a given. It will help to flush out daily toxins and water is used in all of your bodily processes. During cleansing or exercising, we need to make sure we are drinking extra water to support the body.

What happens when our bodies don’t have adequate amounts of water?

  • Our energy levels drop (A mere 5% drop in water levels in the body causes 25-30% loss of energy)
  • Mild dehydration can cause the metabolism to slow down by 3%
  • We suffer from poor digestion, constipation, low hydrochloric acid production, and the liver not being able to metabolize fat into usable energy – this all leads to weight gain!!
  • Water is also needed to metabolize fat – the body requires more water to metabolize fats than proteins and carbs – therefore dehydration slows down fat-burning
  • Poor lubrication in the joints from lack of water can lead to arthritis
  • Lack of fluid can also cause edema and high blood pressure
  • When our cells lack water, the body compensates by producing extra cholesterol to protect cells from dehydration
  • Can also lead to higher levels of histamine which can lead to allergies and lowered immunity
  • Thirst can disguise itself as hunger, pain, cravings…

But sometimes we just forget, or don’t really enjoy drinking water. So how do you get your recommended 8-10 cups per day?

Tips to increase your water intake:

  • Drink out of a straw – it goes down faster! Preferably a glass or stainless steel straw.
  • Herbal teas can count towards your water intake and have wonderful health benefits. Try fresh mint, fresh ginger root with a dash of stevia. You can also make flavoured ice tea with a blend of fun herbal teas with a dash of sweetener.
  • Keep a water jug at home or work, and make a commitment to drink the entire jar daily.
  • Add lemon, lime, mint, rosemary, or cucumber to water to give it natural flavour.

One of my favourite water flavour combos is below!

Fresh Raspberry Mint + Lime Water

2 sprigs of fresh mint

1/2 cup organic raspberries

1 organic lime, sliced thinly

2 lt filtered water

How to make:

Combine all ingredients into a water jug and refrigerate overnight. Once flavoured, drink within a day or two.